This isn’t a boring Provo film school classroom. This isn’t an overcrowded college laboratory. This is life. Real Life. YOUR LIFE.

Welcome to Provo, where the magic of filmmaking meets the innovative learning approach of Film Connection! If you’re passionate about becoming a filmmaker, why settle for a traditional college classroom when you can train directly with a real film production company right here in Provo? Film Connection offers a better solution for aspiring filmmakers by providing hands-on training alongside industry insiders.

Imagine the advantage of learning from professionals who are actively working on film sets, gaining real-world experience, and building industry connections right from the start. In the heart of Provo’s film scene, Film Connection equips you with the practical skills, industry knowledge, and job assistance you need to jumpstart your career in the film industry. Provo is a hidden gem for aspiring filmmakers, and Film Connection ensures that you make the most of this exciting location.

Our unique approach to learning goes beyond textbooks and lectures. Through our program, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in Provo’s bustling film community, connecting with local filmmakers, and exploring the city’s stunning landscapes that have served as backdrops for countless films. You’re not just learning about filmmaking; you’re actively living and breathing the art form while establishing yourself in a thriving film hub.

Don’t Spend More on your Film Education if You Don’t Have to

Say goodbye to crushing student loan debt because with us, you can save up to $100,000 on tuition costs. We believe in keeping education accessible and affordable, allowing you to pursue your passion without financial burdens. By learning alongside a seasoned mentor, you’ll gain practical skills and industry knowledge that traditional film schools just can’t match.

Film Connection in Provo offers a unique opportunity to put yourself in real-world film projects, build invaluable industry connections, and receive job assistance to kickstart your career. Don’t let financial constraints hold you back—choose Film Connection as your pathway to becoming a successful filmmaker.

With Provo’s picturesque landscapes, cultural diversity, and thriving film scene, you’ll have a wealth of inspiration for your projects. By enrolling in Film Connection, you not only save money but also receive professional training that prepares you for real-world challenges.

Meet Our Mentors

Adam Weber

About This Mentor

Daniel Lir

About This Mentor

Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs

About This Mentor

Alejandra Huerta

About This Mentor

Daniela Larsen

About This Mentor

Get Real World Film Production Experience in Provo

Film Connection offers a revolutionary approach to learning, where students have the opportunity to work alongside industry pros, acquiring hands-on experience that goes beyond classroom theory. In just 6-9 months, you can master the art of screenwriting and other skills to succeed in this competitive field. Our program is tailored to provide professional training, industry connections, and job assistance, ensuring that you receive the best possible education and launch your filmmaking career with confidence.

You’ll receive personalized mentorship and guidance from industry  professionals who are passionate about helping you achieve your dreams. Our comprehensive program is specifically designed to build your screenwriting skills, enabling you to craft compelling narratives and captivate audiences with your storytelling abilities. By learning one-on-one, you’ll receive valuable feedback and guidance throughout the entire process, refining your techniques and strengthening your writing prowess.

Whether your ambition is to write for film, television, or digital media, Film Connection equips you with practical knowledge and industry connections that are vital for success. Don’t settle for a traditional classroom approach; choose Film Connection in Provo and embark on an immersive journey to become a professional screenwriter.

Our Provo Film Industry Mentors Help you Build Real World Connections

Why settle for a traditional classroom when you can learn directly from experienced mentors right here in Provo? Film Connection offers a better solution for aspiring filmmakers by providing an insiders learning experience alongside industry insiders. Our program allows you to learn from the best in the business, gaining invaluable knowledge, industry connections, and real-world skills that will set you apart in the competitive film industry.

In the heart of Provo’s thriving film community, Film Connection is the gateway to a successful career in the world of filmmaking. At Film Connection, we believe in the power of mentorship, so you’ll have the opportunity to learn directly from professionals who are actively working in the film industry, gaining insider insights and practical guidance that can’t be found in a traditional classroom setting.

Our mentors have a wealth of experience and a passion for sharing their knowledge with aspiring filmmakers like you. By learning from industry professionals in Provo, you’ll not only gain the skills and expertise needed to succeed but also forge valuable connections that can open doors to exciting opportunities in the film industry. Choose Film Connection in Provo and embark on a trip that will propel your filmmaking career to new heights.

Learn the skills you need to take your idea from paper to the big screen.

Real world film education by filmmakers for filmmakers, optimized for today!


Success stories

Since he started his extern program with Uptone Pictures in Raleigh, NC, Grant Gilbert has been taking…


Please take the time to read the experiences of one of our own, Korey Hehn of Pineville, OR…


The Film Connection program provided me with an opportunity to "see it and believe it"!…


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