What is the Best Way to Learn How to be a Director or Producer?
There are many aspiring filmmakers who accept the conventional wisdom that says the best way to learn directing, producing and screenwriting is to attend film school. These people typically spend 2-4 years (and sometimes over $100,000) to earn a degree or diploma in film from a college, university or trade school.
However, conventional wisdom is not always accurate. While many film schools do indeed teach the concepts of directing, screenwriting and producing, the fact remains that many talented film school graduates never make it in Hollywood, and many Hollywood directors, producers and screenwriters never actually went to film school. At the very least, film school is not the only way to learn these skills, and may not be the best way, after all.
1. Build Film Industry Connections
You see, you need more than just the skills of producing, directing and script writing; you also need to get connected to the film industry. No matter how good you are at your craft, or how well a film school teaches those skills, a college degree will never get you as far in the film business as having connections will. It cannot be overstated: without connections, it’s nearly impossible to land a job in the film industry. Most film schools can teach the basic skills, but very few actually give their students a chance to connect to the film industry—to form working relationships with film professionals who can help advance their careers.
2. Work Directly with the Industry Pros
Most film professionals agree that the best way to learn directing, producing and screenwriting is not by sitting in a college classroom, but by learning the ropes within the film industry itself, by participating in actual film productions, and by being mentored by actual working film professionals. There is at least one film school alternative that offers this kind of opportunity. The Learn in Los Angeles Film Program (by Film Connection) provides the serious film student with unprecedented, direct access to the Los Angeles film industry by placing him/her as an extern in an actual film production company. Each student learns the skills of film production, film directing, editing and screenwriting by one-on-one instruction from people who are experts in each of these different aspects of filmmaking. In six months’ time, the student is not only qualified for a lucrative film career, but is also well-connected within the film industry itself (which means he/she has a much better chance of getting hired). Additionally, upon graduation, the student will have a fully developed film concept of his/her own, he/she will be able to pitch to actual Los Angeles film executives.
In short, the best way to learn directing, producing and screenwriting is actually to do these things—and do them inside the film industry itself. This is what the Learn in LA Film School offers.